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Between the Bars

I had my ipod on shuffle and Chris Garneau came up singing Between the Bars. I looked up the song and found out that its not his song. The song is by Elliot Smith. The Civil Wars also did the song. I’ve listened to all 3 versions. My mind is blown. The song is just amazing and makes me tear a little every time I hear it. Although I love Chris Garneau and his chilling voice gets me everytime, I do have to say the originator, Elliot Smith, tops them all. 

Here are all three videos, tell me what you think.

dreams, ghosts, and old school vans


Dreams.  I have pretty bizarre dreams. Lately I have been having an intense recurring dream.  In these dreams a guy I dated in Junior High and High school is trying to kill me. Throughout the dream I am trying to escape him. It’s just odd. In reality he never was abusive. He had/has some issues but nothing that ever really directly affected me. I don’t talk to him anymore. We are friends on facebook but we don’t communicate. He has changed drastically since high school, from preppy sporto to ICP juggalo. He was for the most part good to me. So can anyone explain these dreams? I was sharing this with my family last night and they were asking questions like, does he know where you live? I replied with, they are just dreams, not premonitions.  I just want to know what they mean.  Another recurring dream I have is, pulling out rotten teeth, or spitting on tiny fragments of my teeth, almost like sand, which is funny because I went to school for Dental Asst. and know how to take care of my teeth. This is a more popular dream among people. While we are on the topic, I’m going to spill the beans on other dreams I had. I just want to know I’m not as psychotic as I think. I had this dream once where I was riding in a convertible with a kid I went to school with. He was standing up and goofing around. I was holding onto his hand so that he wouldn’t fall out of the car that was moving very fast down a highway. He then looked at me and said “it’s ok, I am ready to die,” and demanded that I let go of his hand, so I did. I watched as he was ripped from the car and pulled to his death by the strong winds. I also had a dream that in order to save myself from a killer I had to sacrifice a child. I was holding the child in my lap and he looked at me and said “It’s ok,” so I shot him in the head as he lay in my lap. What is wrong with me? These dreams are much older but I still remember them vividly. I think these dreams have less to do with killing innocent people and more to do with letting go, giving up control, perhaps. I don’t remember exactly when these dreams occurred but maybe it was at a point in my life where I needed to let go of some stuff. I think I need to get a dream book and journal. Record my dreams and then look them up.

On a lighter note, I am wearing my old school vans today, the ones with the white line down the side. OHH YEAAAH. I forgot how cool I looked with them on.  I will be honest with you, not following one specific style is freeing. I wear whatever I want. Yesterday it was a cute coral skirt from gap, with a white v-neck tucked in, and some sky blue toms. Cute, right? And today its jeans, a loose camo green shirt, and my brown old school vans. How tiring in must be to have to really put thought into your wardrobe. I will never be one of those girls who lays out there outfit and literally plans each piece, from top, to bottom, earrings, “arm candy”, shoes, panties, everything has to go. Those outfits are super cute and trendy and I might be slightly jealous but, please, It’s so much nicer to roll out of bed, blindly grab a top and bottom, look in the mirror and say, Ok I can rock this! Personally, that’s true style. When you wear whatever you want, without thought, and actually pull it off.

So I’m sitting in the Resource Center at House of Refuge and I swear there is a ghost with me. I keep hearing a door squeak. It’s freaking me out. I suppose that is it for now. I feel that the next time I blog I will write a short story about the Ghost. Stay Tuned.

I was watching something like Extra and they were interviewing Shia Labeouf on his upcoming movie Lawless. He was looking mighty fine with his beard and long, unclean hair. I then googled him and stumbled upon an amazing music video by Sigor Rós called Fjögur Píanó, which Labeouf was in. The whole video was absolutely gorgeous. The music was already amazing but combined with the video it evolved into a stunning masterpiece. If you are not comfortable with nudity, this may not strike you but I suggest watching it anyway. The nudity is all part of the artistic value of the video.

Devastatin’ Dave the Turntable Slave

I know my day is going to be awesome after seeing this picture! rock on!

Steeshes - Mustaches and Miscellaneous


When I googled Dave, the first page of results were for links to pages listing the worst album covers of all time. I like his style. It’s as if he said, “I like what Eddie Murphy did on raw, but I don’t know about purple. Let’s go pink.”

But if he stole from Eddie Murphy, we need to call Bret “The Hitman” Hart for stealing Dave’s style.

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Post Wedding Bliss


Good morning world.

I am excited to blog today.

This past weekend I had the privilege of being a part of my good friend’s wedding.  Before I go into that I will share the background of the Fab 5. The Fab 5 consist of 5 beautiful, strong, caring women; Whitney Adams, Hannah Rushing (now Davis), Kimi Sorenson, Halley Stockfisch, and myself.  The first of the lovely group that I met was Whitney. I don’t remember the exact age but we were little, like, boys have cooties, little. Our Families were really close. The other girls I met in 6th – 7th grade. We were all in the same Sunday school class. From there on out we were always in the same small groups at church, all the way through high school. Our bond we created is one like no other. These girls are more my sisters than anything. No matter how far away we are from each other, we will always be close at heart. I can count on these girls to always be there for me. We’ve compared ourselves to the girls in the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, minus the pants. A pact was made, and we will forever be a part of each other’s lives. We will all be in each other’s weddings and Hannah was lucky number one. It was insane thinking about how much we have grown up. We were all rather dorky when we were younger and now we are young beautiful women starting on paths we only dreamt of.

Hannah has set the tone for the next 4 weddings to come. Boy did she do an amazing job. The whole thing, from start to finish, was beautiful.  The wedding was held on Coronado Island at the Navy Lodge roof top. The ceremony over looked the glistening Pacific. She couldn’t have picked a more perfect place for them to tie the knot. I am so proud of Hannah and the women she has grown into. There is no doubt in my mind that she will be an amazing wife and mother.  Congratulations Rich and Hannah Davis.


Coming back to Arizona was not at all one bit exciting. This place is like a dead zone for me. The only thing worth getting excited about is my family and friends here, other than that nothing gets me. I cannot wait to get out of here. My heart has never felt at home in the desert. My heart belongs in the mountains of Colorado, and in the spring that’s where I will be headed. I have finally made the decision to move to Colorado.  Why did I wait so long? The timing was just never right. I didn’t go before because there were things I needed to learn and experience. Nothing is ever set in stone, and shouldn’t be. Everything happens as it should. I am ready for a new adventure.  The plan is that in the Spring I will move up to Mead, Colorado to live with my sister and her family. They will be getting a new home with a finished basement that will be for me.  I will be a part time nanny for my sister, which I am beyond excited about. It has been so hard not being able to be a part of my nephews lives. I cannot wait to be there to watch and help them grow. There is no set plan. Outside of helping with my nephews I’m not sure what I will do, maybe work at a cool coffee shop, or find a job with outdoor recreation.  My options are endless, but for now the goal is do just be in Colorado by spring time.

For some reason I’m not happy with this blog. Ugh. I wish my writing was much better and more exciting to read. At times my mind can be creative and other times it’s just sitting on the surface. I guess today I’m just not feeling it. I’ll blog again later.



as I was copying the text from Word I noticed that it was 666 words. Creepy. After the side note…it no longer is. 

Phone bloggin’

This may be a short blog today. I am blogging from my phone and the accuracy and speed is just not as good as with an actual keyboard. I may have to get used to it if I tend to blog most days if not everyday.

So currently I am perched on my bed and have somw Josh Groban playing in the background. I wouldn’t say I’m that obsessed but if he were to walk in right now i’d probably piss myself. He has that whole “I’m a brilliant, sexy, nerd” thing going, which I am totally into. I could listen to him 24/7.
Speaking of music, I am in great need of a show buddy. There is at least one show each month for the next three months I am going too, but solo. I love my friends but they.aren’t as adventurous as me when it comes to music. So when I wet my pant because Tycho, Balmorhea, and Family of the Year are coming to town, they just don’t understand. I will be honest though, going to these shows excites me a little. I am confident ill be some awesome people. Maybe some potential show buds. Kaazah!
Still on thw note of music, Bandsintown is a legit app for tracking your favorite artist and tour dates and locations. That is how I heard about all three of those upcoming shows. Check it out!
Ok so I’m already sick of typing on my phone and so are my thumbs. With that said I must bid you adieu.

Wedding weekend starts tomorrow which equals busy busy. Ill be back and at it on Monday. Stay cool folks!

No. 1


Hello world. This first blog is going to be ridiculously cliché. This isn’t my first blog. The last blog I had didn’t last long. I am motivated though to keep this one interesting and up-to-date. I do want to warn my readers, especially those who are close to me that choose to read my blog. The blog is called truths of Taylor for a reason. I plan to write whatever is on my mind. Secrets, thoughts, pasts, regrets, goals, vendettas, nonsense, BAD WORDS (oooo scary), these will all make an appearance in my blog, more than once. If you are my Mother, I am warning you, you’re image of me may be shattered if you follow my blog.    I also am terrible at grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Except this first one I am cheating and typing in Microsoft Word. HaHA.  I am confident that my readers will be respectful of what I write, although, this really isn’t for you.  It is an outlet for me. A way of permanently documenting my thoughts and whatever else I feel like writing. And as a result, entertainment, insight, a good laugh, a cry, motivation, for you, my readers. So LETTUCE begin 

Today is Midweek. WOOHOO! I have been at work since 9am. On Wednesday as well as Saturday and every other Friday, I work at House of Refuge. If you don’t know what House of Refuge is check out their website ( ). It is a pretty awesome non-profit. My job is fairly basic. I am the Resource Center Assistant and that exactly. If a resident needs help doing a task on the computer, like attaching a resume to an email, I help them. It’s basic stuff, but an extremely rewarding job. Being able to assist the residents so that the can better their life is amazing. My help in “basic” stuff is huge to them. Think about it. I help them attach a resume to an application, to maybe the first job that they’ve applied to in years, they land the job, maybe the first job they’ve had in years, so to be a part of that, even in the smallest way is pretty awesome.  I do have a lot of down time though, hence, a new blog.

With the down time I have I seem to do a lot of thinking. Today has been a lot of thinking about the upcoming weekend. My greatest friend Hannah will be getting married to a pretty outstanding gentleman. I and the rest of the Fab5 are bridesmaids. I am very excited and kind of nervous. This will be my first time being a part of a wedding party. I am not sure what to expect. The wedding is on Coronado Island in California. So in my mind I am like, WOOHOO Vacation! But in actuality it will probably be pretty hectic and go buy extremely quick. Hectic or not I am just glad to be a part of such and amazing time and to be alongside such strong beautiful women who have been a part of my life since puberty started kickin’ in.  I’ll have to do a whole other blog on those ladies because they are truly the bestest friends a girl could every ask for.

Time to wrap things up; my work day is almost over. I am excited about this blog. Let’s hope I keep it up, because it sure feels good to just let it all out, good or bad.