that mushy sappy silly thing called…

by truthsoftaylor


Oh Boy, World, life has been so crazy I haven’t even thought once about blogging. And by crazy I mean WONDERFUL! Life has given me a little surprise. (NO BABIES!) A surprise I never thought would come. I met this pretty outstanding guy. He has completely swept me off my feet. I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful he is to me.  No red flags, nothing he has done has made me think that this is a bad idea.

” We accept the love we think we deserve.” –The Perks of Being a Wallflower 

That quote is all too true. For almost all my life I accepted a love that I thought i deserved, which was not much. With said new guy he has shown me in such a short period of time that I deserve so much more and he wont give anything less.  It makes me wonder why I ever settled for anything less.  Why do we do that to ourselves? I can tell you why I did or why I think I did. I was scared and had no self respect. I thought that there is no way I could have a guy like Matt or like Cody ( my brother in-law and brother). Those two men have been leading examples in my life of how men should treat women. For some reason I thought I would never be good enough to be with a someone who thought I was good enough so I settled. I settled for a life I didn’t want. Even when days were good I always thought about everything bad. I think we do it to ourselves ladies. We allow it, and that’s where we go wrong. Demand to be treated like a queen. Don’t make excuses. You are the Prize. Act like the Prize. Once a guy realizes that he doesn’t have to work for you, he wont. Opening a car door is NEVER inconvenient. There shouldn’t be a distance he wont drive to see you. Let him buy you flowers, even if you say you don’t want them we all know you do. If a guy wants to be with you he will do everything in his power to do so. In past relationships I had to work so hard to get attention. I was making plans, and doing the chasing. If a guy isn’t doing the chasing, its not going to work. When something is effortless, when you get to sit back and just watch everything fall into place instead of frantically trying to place pieces where they belong that’s when you know its good. That’s how I know. Everything is just right. I’m not up losing sleep about how he may or may not feel about me because I know, because his actions are consistent with his words.


Ok Ok. I had to. I had to post about it. This is the real deal. Sorry if i caused any vomitting. Sometimes I cant even stand how giddy I am.