
by truthsoftaylor

*disclaimer* This blog is not intended to bash on anyone. This is an outlet for me to share how I am feeling. Please do not judge. Please do not assume anything. Feel free to leave comments not criticisms.

I don’t even know where to start. I love Nick more that I ever thought I could love someone. He has shown me a new world. I could not imagine my life without him. He is the glue that holds me together. It didn’t take me long to figure out that my relationship with Nick was going to be permanent.  Marriage has been a regular discussion in our household recently. I am sure I am just driving Nick crazy. More so, I am driving myself insane! Everyday that passes that we are not married eats at me. I have been here before. Nick is NOTHING like my ex, but my past is haunting me. I don’t want to be the live in girlfriend anymore. I don’t want to me THAT girl that settles for the forever girlfriend who is always hoping to get married. I want to be Nick’s wife. Every time this conversation is brought up with Nick, I just know he doesn’t understand what is going on in my soul. I don’t just want to get married to get married. It’s not just the next thing in my timeline.  It’s much more than that. I need validity. I need to know that our love is permanent. A lot of people will argue with me about this. “You don’t need a piece of paper to prove your love.” True. But marriage is more that a piece of paper. It is an eternal vow. Marriage is acknowledging that it is no longer a solo adventure. Marriage is the beginning of a life outside yourself. Marriage is knowing that you will never be alone ever again. This is what I believe and this is what I want to share with Nick more than anything. I want him to know that He will always be my priority, I will always be his number one supporter, and I will take care of him to the best of my ability until the day I die. I want to take his name proudly and begin a family with him. I have never wanted anything more.

Why the hurry? My reply is why not? Why would I NOT want to share my life with Nick in a way that only two people who have made that commitment can? I have never been more sure that He is the one I want to share my life with.

Well then what the problem? I don’t know. Perhaps that society  has put this huge pressure on people that getting married isn’t just committing yourself wholly ’til death to another but that it has to be this elaborate ceremony with all the bells and whistles and a ring to show off to the world and that you need to share that with a ton of people who don’t even know anything about you. Pride.  Finances. Bleh Bleh. I let my fantasies of this take over the actual dream. And now Nick has those fantasies stuck in his head or at least that is what I think. My dream is to be Nick’s wife…and I don’t care how that happens. I am over all the hype.  I don’t need to run up to all my friends and family and show off a glitzy piece of jewelry. In no way  will the size of my ring represent how much love Nick has for me, there is not a ring begin enough. I just wish he could see that.  I wish he could see that I would run away to the courthouse with nothing on my finger if that meant that I could be with him for eternity. I don’t need the world, I just need him.

Then my insecurities start showing up. Everyday I try and figure out why we aren’t married yet. I ignore the most likely reasons and create ones out of nothing. Maybe if I lost 20lbs, Maybe if I wore better clothes, Maybe if I did the house chores in a timely matter. I start to beat myself up and think that it is because of ME that we aren’t married, that Nick doesn’t want to marry me. These are far from the truth. But in my brain all you need is love to get married, and since we are not married I guess that means there is a lack of love… CRAZY, right? That’s what Nick said.

Why do I need this? I don’t know. I don’t know why I need the validity. I just do. I want to feel secure. I want to feel like an honest women.  Does it matter? I love Nick, I want to be with him forever, I want to be his wife. End of Story. I don’t think there is a better reason to get married than that.